Saturday 14 January 2012

All I Have left

In many cultures a persons belongings are ritually destroyed after their death ususally as part of the

grieving process. However we hold on to items as tangible memories of loved ones. We feel a

connection to the person we have lost via these objects. My intention for this project is to compile

a catalogue of my Grandmother’s belongings I have kept since her death last year.

These items may have little or no value to somebody else but to me some are sacred.

I have ordered the objects in the emotional and sentimental worth they hold for me.

I am interested whether they conjure a picture of the person they belong to in strangers minds?

Im most interested in what this process makes me feel. Its place in the grieving process? How I may feel when it’s done?

(This is only a small selection of the items I have collected but it gives an idea of the tone of the project)

I intend to categorise in much more depth, deconstructing items like this sewing box and cataloguing the contents.

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